After Operation Suggestions

Denizli Hair Transplant
  • Explanation

After Operation Suggestions

After the operation, we will do your dressing the next day. You can wash your hair on the 2nd day. Your first wash will also be done by us at our hospital.

You should wash your hair twice a day for approximately 12 days with Penthanol spray and Vivagen shampoo and be careful not to touch the transplanted area. Penthanol spray will be applied to the transplanted area and waited for 45-50 minutes. Then, Penthanol spray will be absorbed by the skin and the skin will soften. After the first rinse, Vivagen shampoo is foamed with water in a bowl etc. and poured onto the transplanted and donor area and then rinsed with warm and undiluted water.

No contact should be made to the transplanted area for the first 12 days.12. Your daily check-up will be carried out by Dr. Özgür Nalbant himself.

After Operation, your sleeping position should be on your back for the first 12 days. To prevent edema, the ice gel given to you should be applied to the forehead area from time to time. You should not bend forward and heavy loads should not be lifted. Salt intake should be restricted during this period.